SNAP Director’s Update July 2019

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the first issue of the Spain-North Africa Project Bulletin.  Many thanks to those of you who contributed content for this issue of the Bulletin.  A special thanks is due to Peter Kitlas, who has taken on the role of editor of the Bulletin with creative zeal.  In this first iteration you will find examples of the ways Peter envisions using various media or platforms (storymaps, in this case) to showcase the exciting work SNAP’s members are doing.

Our plan is for the Bulletin to appear three times per year (roughly following the quarter system of those institutions whose academic calendar is thus structured).  The next edition will not appear until the Fall, but in the meantime please take a look at this issue and do consider contributing content for future issues.

The 50th annual meeting of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies will take place in Barcelona July 10-13.  The program features two SNAP-sponsored panels, both organized by Linda Gale Jones.  Session #22 (“Islamic Mysticism and Spirituality in Spain and North Africa”) convenes Friday, July 12, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.  Later that same morning, Session #28 (“Christian Mysticism and Spirituality in Medieval and Early Modern Spain”) will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  In addition to the two formal SNAP panels, numerous other SNAP members will be present at ASPHS, presenting work, chairing panels, etc.

In my last update I mentioned the SNAP Bibliography project, being directed by Camilo Gómez-Rivas.  This summer Camilo will be soliciting more contributors, to provide a brief synopsis of a single significant work (an edited collection of primary sources, a field-defining piece of scholarship, etc.).  The collection of synopses will be catalogued on the SNAP website and will serve as a valuable research and teaching resource for the whole SNAP community.

I hope you all have a restful and relaxing summer.  I look forward to seeing many of you in Barcelona.

All the best,
